WE ARE the Crewe of Thee Leviathan, originating out of Daytona Beach, FL and flying under the flag of the Pirate Nation…
We are a very rapidly growing group of fun loving people that enjoy participating in Pirate Festivals (along with Renaissance and Medieval Faires, ComicCons, Fantasy Fest, SteamPunk events)…and all the travel, drinking and socializing that happens when FUN and CREATIVE people get together with other FUN and CREATIVE people. We believe there is always time to set your inner Pirate free.
We believe that life is too short to drink bad wine…or cheap rum for that matter. Life is best lived with a smirk on your face. Our itinerary is simple, weekend festival getaways, planned “invasion” of wineries and bars, massive pub crawls, theme parties, happy hours and other random impromptu gatherings.
We network within our group for those in business and the arts while also being a support network for each other in our daily lives…because put quite simply, “We are Crewe”
“One of the things that makes Crewe of Thee Leviathan unique…is the fact that even though we are a massive crewe all over North America and now growing throughout the entire globe…we are STILL highly LOCAL focused, with LOCAL activities and events that are organized and hosted by our LEVAITHAN Coxswains. Make sure you join a LOCAL near you. It’s the surest way to get involved in the FUN right away.”
– Captain Kraven MoreGrog